Substance Abuse Counseling in WV

Counseling is a critical element in achieving lasting recovery from addiction.

Hope For Tomorrow’s Point Pleasant, WV location, along with our affiliate clinics in Martinsburg and Charleston put substance abuse counseling as the center piece of helping patients enrolled in medication-assisted treatment.

Counseling for Drug Addiction

Being addicted to opioids and other substances goes beyond physical dependence. Even after detox, although your body may not have a physical dependence any longer, there are different triggers for different people which can leave one at risk for relapse. Counseling can help address these triggers and identify coping skills to deal with them.

Addressing the psychological aspects of addiction is critical to long-term recovery. Our treatment centers provide drug addiction counseling as essential element of the overall treatment program. Various forms of counseling may be used including, but certainly not limited to, cognitive behavioral therapy, family counseling and group therapy. There are many forms of counseling and no single approach is the answer. The individualized treatment plan will be tailored to your individual needs.

How Addiction Counseling Supports Medication-Assisted Treatment 

Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is evidence-based and involves Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved medications. These medications aren’t used to substitute one drug for another. Instead, they make the withdrawal process easier to manage. Instead of struggling with intense cravings and withdrawal symptoms, you can experience stabilized brain chemistry and normalized bodily functions with MAT.

Patients who are receiving MAT must get counseling, which helps provide a whole-patient approach. While MAT will help with withdrawal, counseling addresses other needs and concerns ranging from the potential causes of substance abuse to any co-occurring mental health conditions. 

At Hope For Tomorrow, patients can participate in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), a psychological treatment effective in treating substance use disorders. The goal of this evidence-based practice is to help individuals identify and cope with challenges that could be contributing to them misusing substances. 

Through our counseling for substance abuse in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, you’ll be better prepared to face and deal with negative thought patterns or emotions so you can respond more effectively. Also, by learning how to change and use problem-solving skills, you will be equipped to deal with symptoms and cravings.

Individual substance use counseling session

Patients who undergo individual counseling with our highly trained team will work on addressing the root of their opioid use disorder. Patients admitted to our Residential Program will participate in a daily schedule of group and individual therapies to build insight into the disease process and ways in which they can create a new life in recovery. These sessions are crucial to a patient’s preparation for the daily challenges they may face during and post treatment. A goal without a plan is merely a wish. Our individual and group sessions will focus on the steps needed to accomplish your goals. Hope For Tomorrow counselors are prepared to help you develop attainable goals in order to achieve healthy milestones while thoughtfully tracking your progress.

Family therapy is a type of group counseling for substance abuse. Opioid use disorder doesn’t just impact the individual with the disease — it affects their entire family as well. Parents, caregivers, siblings, children and other family members can influence and play a significant role in the recovery process.

Through our family drug abuse counseling here in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, we help entire families understand how to deal with addiction-related issues and best support the individual in recovery. By treating the whole family, we help prepare individuals to recover and reach their goals.

Support group for substance use

There is strength in numbers, and Group Substance Use Counseling at Hope For Tomorrow in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, will introduce you to a group of professional counselors and supportive peers that encourage, empathize and understand the recovery process that you are going through. Our Residential Program group therapy schedule meets on a daily basis with the goal of building a healthy sense of community, insight and accountability. It is a proven and effective method for MAT (Medication-Assisted Treatment) patients to interact with others who are on a similar journey like them. When encouraged to share your feelings with others who can empathize, you’ll notice the comfort and relief that comes with belonging and not feeling alienated by your addiction. 

Why Choose Hope For Tomorrow For Addiction Counseling?

No matter what kind of substance use counseling you need in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, you can trust that our team is committed to your success. Our staff is carefully chosen to ensure you have access to a compassionate and understanding team from start to finish. We put each patient’s treatment needs first, helping them build a strong foundation for a lifetime of sobriety. 

Through consistent medication-assisted treatment and counseling, individuals will have a way to stay connected throughout treatment and after their program is over. Whether you take part in our residential or outpatient substance use disorder and detoxification services, a lifetime of recovery is within reach. 

Get In Touch

Our team has not only experience in clinical training, but have been where you are in wanting to recover from the disease of addiction.

By combining MAT with substance abuse counseling, we’ll help you get to the root of your addiction and provide you with the support you need to cope and move forward into recovery. Through individual counseling and support groups, you’ll have a compassionate and understanding group by your side every step of the way.

Have any questions about our counseling services for opioid use in West Virginia? Our door is open for you to make a change. Call us at 877-679-8162 to speak with one of our admissions specialists about how you can rediscover life free from addiction. 

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